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Find and license 1000 images for portable gadget

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration03 to 06 months
  • Project LevelBasic Level

Project detail

We are the makers of the lightnote ( a device that can store thousands of 200×200 black and white images (see attached photos).

We are working on a Historical Figures Edition.  For that we would need the images of 1,010 historical figures along with basic information: name, biggest accomplishment or profession and birth/death years.

We believe that there exist royalty-free low-resolution images for most if not all historical figures on that list.  We want your help to find them and prepare them to be loaded onto the lightnote.

The list of people we have selected is attached (1010ppl.txt).  Images for each person on the list is available here: We can use images from that site if they meet the following requirements:

1. Minimum resolution requirement.  Images should at least 200 pixels along the shortest dimension.  For instance, 200×300 is ok, 150×250 is not.

2. Recognizable-portrait.  The image will be cropped to 1:1 aspect ratio.  The cropped image should produce a recognizable portrait of the person.  For instance, this is acceptable: because it can be cropped to a recognizable portrait.

3. Royalty-free for commercial use license requirement.  Attribution is OK.

You can look for images on other sites, as long as they meet the licensing and resolution requirements.  For instance, https://pixabay.com or others you might know of.

In addition to these requirements, when possible alternatives exist, images that look good when converted into grayscale format should be preferred.


## Phase 1

– For each historical figure on that list, determine if a royalty-free image exists.
– Create a Google Sheet with a link to the royalty-free image as well as the type of license for each image.  Only royalty-free licenses that permit commercial use of the image are acceptable.  Attribution is acceptable.  For instance, CC BY-SA ( is acceptable, CC BY-NC ( is not.

ID: 0997
Name: Marilyn Monroe

The Phase 1 deliverable will be this shared Google Sheet with 1010 lines populated.

We will review Phase 1 deliverable before proceeding to Phase 2.

## Phase 2

We will provide a Google Drive with 3 empty directories: jpg, txt and lic

What we would need is, in each of these directories 1010 files with the following characteristics:

1. JPG Directory: A square (1:1 aspect ratio) portrait for each person, minimum 200×200 pixels.  The file should be in JPEG format, with filename XXXX.jpg, where XXXX is the 4-digit number identifying the person in the 1010ppl.txt file.  For instance, Albert Einstein’s image file would be named 0017.jpg.

2. TXT Directory: A plain text file for each person, named XXXX.txt.
The file would have the following information:

Profession or main accomplishment

Lines must not exceed 22 characters in length.  If the information is longer, they can extend across multiple lines, for a maximum of 8 lines.  Example:

Albert Einstein

Theoretical physicist,
widely held to be one
of the greatest and
most influential
scientists of all time

Skills Required

Industry Categories

Freelancer type required for this project
