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Cryptocurrency Payment Solutions Specialist

  • Job typeJob type: Remote
  • Job Duration01 to 03 months
  • Project LevelExpert

Project detail

The Cryptocurrency Payment Solutions Specialist is responsible for developing, managing and leading the cryptocurrency payments solutions and related technologies. This individual will be the subject expert related to crypto payments and will assume a strategic role in product and services development. This individual will be responsible for selecting systems, integrations, and developing solutions that enable our clients to accept cryptocurrency payments.


• Develop and maintain detailed knowledge of relevant

Technical requirements:
• Experience in developing and deploying cryptocurrency payment solutions
• Knowledge of blockchain technology and distributed ledger systems
• Expertise in developing wallet applications, smart contracts, and decentralized applications
• Expertise in developing secure and compliant payment gateways using advanced cryptographic algorithms
• Understanding of financial regulation rules and guidelines, such as Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance, Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements, and other related regulations
• Proficiency in programming languages such as JavaScript, Python, Solidity, and C++
• Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JSON, and other software development technologies
• Experience in setting up cryptocurrency wallets, depositing and withdrawing funds, and participating in token sales and ICOs
• Understanding of technology-based payment processing solutions, including identity verification systems and fraud detection algorithms

Job Task:
Develop a cryptocurrency payment solutions system that allows customers to make payments to merchants using cryptocurrency.


1. Develop a payment module that allows customers to initiate cryptocurrency payments to a merchant or group of merchants.

2. Create an API for merchants to view and manage their payments.

3. Develop an easy-to-use dashboard for merchants to track payments and analyze data.

4. Ensure the system is compliant with existing cryptocurrency regulations.

5. Develop a security system to ensure customers’ funds are safe and secure.

6. Integrate the payment module with existing fiat payment systems and currencies.

7. Leverage blockchain networks to reduce costs, improve transaction speed and confirm authenticity of payments.

8. Create automated alerts for customers and merchants to inform them about payment activities in the system.

9. Design a user interface for customers and merchants to manage cryptocurrency payments.

10. Create detailed documentation for the system, including user manuals.

Skills Required


Industry Categories

Languages required

Freelancer type required for this project
